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Jr High: The Gathering

  • SunWest Church 260 Midpark Boulevard Southeast Calgary, AB, T2X 0A1 Canada (map)

This week is a bit different. We will be splitting up between boys/girls and going into a night of honesty and healthy discussion surrounding topics of pornography, and God’s design regarding relationships. The girl’s group will focus on building up confidence in their feminine identity, and a healthy design of love and relationships, led by Jess. The boy’s group will be getting deeper into the harmful effects of pornography, led by Noah. We will make this a safe space for your children to ask questions and hear positive, encouraging testimonies of leaders. We recognize that most kids have already been exposed to ideas in these areas and we look forward to, and highly value the importance of addressing these topics from a biblical perspective.

February 19

Sr High: The Gathering

February 23

Child Dedication Service